How to write teacher diary for class 10th English lesson 04

 How to write teacher diary for class 10th English lesson 04

teacher diary

Hello teacher, we will discuss the important topic in class 10th English lesson 04 [from the diary of Anne frank] how can we write a teacher diary on all posts on our youtube channel and blog? Keeps giving information. Let us today tell our students how important it is to write a diary. How to write a diary correctly? Why is diary writing important in your life? We will discuss this topic in detail, read this article carefully and arouse interest in writing a diary for your kids.

Date class subject
29/07/022 10th English
In this chapter, we will discuss about the diary written by Anne Frank, we will understand the importance of the diary of Anne Frank, and here the students will be successful in understanding what are the things that are necessary to know to write a diary?

Teaching point/Activities

  • Why is it necessary for students to write a diary the students will be able to know.

  • Your diary is very private, yet write as if you are writing for someone else. Students will be able to understand this

  • Why describe Anne's personality and why does it inspire so many people? the students will be able to understand.

  • Students will be able to develop an understanding of how to avoid dangers in their own lives.

  • The difference between a general diary and a memoir will be understood by the students.

  • According to Anne, diaries can be trusted more than people. Students will be able to grasp this idea.

Grammar section

Nouns: Principal, Homework, Notebook, Explosion Students will learn to use these sentences. students will use adjectives: long-awaited, hard-backed How to Use Phrasal Verbs? the students will be able to understand.
 Students will learn to use the idiom in a sentence. students will learn to write poetry in English.
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Bisau Ram Netam is a Government Teacher. He holds a Master's degree in Mathematics. For three years, Bisau has been teaching people personal finance online.

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